How Dating Apps Made Me Think Differently About The Colour Of My Skin

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As a person of color, navigating the world of online dating has always been a unique experience. From dealing with fetishization to facing outright racism, the journey to finding love in the digital age has been anything but smooth. However, it wasn't until I started using dating apps that I truly began to think differently about the color of my skin.

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The Impact of Representation on Dating Apps

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One of the first things I noticed when using dating apps was the lack of representation for people of color. The majority of profiles I came across were of white individuals, and it often felt like I was invisible in a sea of homogeneity. This lack of representation made me question whether or not my skin color played a role in my online dating experience.

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Fetishization and Racial Preferences

Another eye-opening experience I had on dating apps was dealing with fetishization and racial preferences. It became apparent that some individuals were only interested in me because of my race, reducing me to nothing more than a stereotype. On the other hand, there were those who explicitly stated their racial preferences, often excluding people of color from their dating pool. These encounters made me realize that my skin color was a defining factor in how I was perceived and desired by others.

Internalizing Societal Beauty Standards

Using dating apps also made me confront my own internalized beliefs about beauty and desirability. Growing up, I was bombarded with images of Eurocentric beauty standards, which often made me feel inadequate and unattractive. However, as I scrolled through countless profiles of individuals who didn't look like me, I began to question these ingrained beliefs and started to challenge the conventional ideals of beauty.

Confronting Racism and Microaggressions

The most difficult aspect of using dating apps as a person of color was confronting racism and microaggressions. From receiving racially charged messages to being subjected to insensitive comments about my appearance, the experience was emotionally taxing. It forced me to confront the harsh reality that racism is still prevalent in the realm of online dating, and that my skin color made me a target for discrimination.

Embracing My Identity and Self-Worth

Despite the challenges I faced, using dating apps ultimately led me to embrace my identity and self-worth. I learned to prioritize my own happiness and well-being, and to not settle for anyone who didn't see me for who I truly am. It also allowed me to connect with individuals who appreciated me for more than just my skin color, and helped me realize that love knows no boundaries.

Moving Forward with Confidence

While my experiences on dating apps have made me think differently about the color of my skin, it has also empowered me to move forward with confidence. I now approach online dating with a renewed sense of self-assurance and resilience, knowing that my worth is not defined by the color of my skin. I am hopeful that as dating apps continue to evolve, they will become more inclusive and diverse, allowing people of all races to find love without judgment or prejudice.

In conclusion, using dating apps has undoubtedly made me think differently about the color of my skin. It has forced me to confront uncomfortable truths, challenge societal norms, and ultimately embrace my identity with pride. While the journey has been filled with obstacles, it has also been a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. I am hopeful that my experiences will shed light on the complexities of online dating as a person of color, and inspire others to navigate the digital dating world with confidence and resilience.